Marysville Township
Wright County, Minnesota
Road Maintenance
Snowplowing is usually started after a snowstorm has ended. Extended periods of snowfall may require additional plowing to keep roads open for passage of emergency vehicles. The Township road maintenance department maintains the roads by plowing and sanding to provide for safe travel. As a safety measure, if a severe snowstorm is present, and Township personnel and equipment are out plowing, the effort to keep the roads passable will end if and when the Wright County Highway Department pulls their equipment off the roads for safety reasons. Marysville Township road maintenance personnel will be pulled off the road at the same time.
Grading is usually done after a soaking rain to be most effective. Grading a road in dry conditions can result in eroding of the road surface when it does rain. Each year the Township spreads approximately 7,000 cubic yards of Class 5 gravel in one of four sections of the Township or on areas that need more attention.
CMP/pull shoulders we use the CMP to pull the shoulders in, let the clumps of dirt and grass dry, use the road groomer to pull the grass out, then grade the road. If needed we will do this a couple times to the same road.
Road Groomer is used at certain times for a light grading.
Dust coating is performed by a contractor and generally is scheduled for completion in June of each year. This is an outsourced contract, in which the timing can be altered due to contractor inability to perform the dust coating in an efficient manner. Anyone wanting the road are in front of their residence dust coated can get on the list by contacting the Township Clerk. The cost per 100 feet is published in the Township newsletter. Some dust coating of high traffic roads is done to reduce grading and is paid for with tax dollars. Dates to sign up for dust coating will be published in the Spring Newsletter. Residents may also mail a check payable to Marysville Township to 3733 Dempsey Ave SW, Waverly MN, 55390.
Other maintenance such as road rebuilding, straightening, crowning and clearing is an ongoing assignment for the Township road maintenance personnel. The Town Board approves the projects and monitors the performance of, and completion by, either Town personnel or commercial contractors hired to perform the work. The Township also mows the shoulders, sprays for noxious weeds along the roadside, removes illegal dumping and maintains or replaces culverts located on Township roads.