Marysville Township

Wright County, Minnesota

The Board Members of Marysville Township are:

Andrew Hirsch, Vice-Chair                          612-387-2930     Seat A, term expires 3/27

William Uter, Supervisor                            612-221-9479     Seat B, Term expires 3/25

Joe Hickman, Chair & Road Supervisor             763-675-3974     Seat C, term expires 3/26  

Deb Uecker, Clerk/Treasurer                       763-658-4064

Leanne LaFave, Deputy Clerk/Treasurer           763-658-4064

Ron Boehlke, Maintenance                         763-658-4064

Deanna LaPlant, Maintenance                      763-658-4064

Building Permits - contact Wright County Planning & Zoning 763-682-7338